Experienced Class Action Law Firm

MURRAY FRANK LLP dedicates its law practice to class action lawsuits and protecting the rights of people just like you.
Our attorneys have extensive experience handling cases in a variety of practice areas including securities fraud, antitrust, investment loss, mismanagement of 401(k) and retirement plans, unfair labor practices, product liability, misrepresentation and false advertising, and many other areas. We have helped clients from around the world and we will fight aggressively to reach the most favorable outcome available for your case. Security frauds have increased in businesses like crypto trading. Therefore, traders must ensure that they use safe platforms for trading. Bitcoin trading is the most popular crypto trading. Beginners need a bitcoin account for trading bitcoins. Visit https://coincierge.de/bitcoin-konto-erstellen/ to find the steps to open a bitcoin account.
Class Actions Can Work for You
A class action lawsuit comes about when many people have similar claims against the same company. When you contact MURRAY FRANK LLP, we will review all the information you have about the company and fully research their business practices, or products and any other important areas of their operations.
Once we have determined that there is enough evidence to proceed with a lawsuit, we will take care of all the necessary costs and notifications to allow other people who may be eligible to join the case.
Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation
It doesn't cost you anything to inquire about your legal issue. Every case we take is on a contingency basis which means we don't get paid unless you do. Contact our office today to discuss your case and a possible class action.